Brain Cancer

Brain Cancer
The biggest problem with brain cancer and brain tumors is that they are often non-specific symptoms making it very difficult to know whether you have it or not, unless you are seriously looking for it.

Although many tumors that produce symptoms in individuals who suffer from them, there are many tumors that did not cause symptoms apapun.kenapa it?

In young children, brain tumors can cause the skull to grow in diameter, and create a bulge fontanelles. Increased pressure intercrainal is the biggest thing that must be considered because it can cause the displacement of certain parts of the brain, brain stem compression that is very deadly.

There are two main types of Brain cancer.yang first primary brain cancer starts from the second Brain.yang Metastatic brain cancer starts somewhere else in the body and moves to the brain. Brain tumors can be benign, with no cancer cells, or malignant, with cancer cells that grow rapidly.

Brain cancer affects the organs of the body that controls all other bodily functions. As a result, because this cancer progresses, symptoms of newer and newer will continue to occur in patients who would limit its function if corrective action is not taken to control growth.

There are two types of brain cancer. Primary brain cancer is derived from the brain itself and generally limit themselves to the brain only. The second type is the Secondary Brain Cancer is an extension of the cancer in some other parts of the body gradually spread to the brain.

It appears, in part, because various parts of the brain that may be cancerous and thus affect different parts of the body associated with the affected part of the brain.

Another sign of a problem is if someone has suddenly become very clumsy or has difficulty walking without any apparent reason. This is something to watch as people tend to laugh it off as a symptom of momentary lapse of balance, but it certainly raises concerns if it happens regularly.

Despite frequent headache symptoms, it is important to remember that most headaches are less serious conditions such as migraine or tension, not cancer.

So, assessment and confirmation of a particular disease is usually done based on assessment of symptoms and clinical and laboratory test confirmation. It is very important especially for patients who have medical conditions that showed symptoms similar to other diseases.

It is almost impossible to distinguish the two conditions by observation of clinical symptoms only. That is why there is a need for you to undergo differential diagnosis for proper treatment of your medical condition. further evaluation and tests necessary to accurately determine the cause of clinical symptoms you are experiencing.
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