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More info contact lenses

Contact lenses

Throughout time there have been various means of correcting vision. There was the monocle, then the glasses that were on a chain or a stick, and then there were eyeglasses as we know them today but there were not as many styles as there are now. As technology improved the lenses of glasses were getting smaller. Since many people were always losing or breaking their eyeglasses they were hoping for a way to wear glasses and not have to worry about them being lost or breaking them.

Contact lenses came along and they were great but expensive. If you lost them or dropped them you would have to get new ones. I knew of someone who lost one of her contact lens and she had developed an infection in her eye. The doctor examined her only to find the contact lens had slipped and was not in the proper place. Traditional contact lenses were rigid and took some getting used to.

People were looking for softer and more flexible lenses and lenses they could easily put in. Softer lenses came out and then because they had to be removed every night and cleaned, people started to long for lenses they could wear all the time. As the prices came down and more people were able to purchase contacts, they were getting sick and tired of cleaning them all the time and of the expense of all the cleaning solutions needed.

It would be great, they thought, to be able to throw out the lenses each night and eliminate the need for the cleaning solution. 1987 saw the introduction of disposable contact lenses and they were design-ed to be worn for a specific amount of time before having to be re-placed. There are some terms and explanations that you need to be familiar to understand disposable contact lenses.

    Disposable Contact Lenses - they are discarded and replaced after two weeks if not sooner.

Frequent replacement lenses - they are replaced every one to three months. Traditional/Reusable - these are replaced every six months if not before.

    Extended wear lenses - you can sleep in them for up to two weeks.

    Daily disposable lenses are removed and discarded every night eliminating the need for cleaning solutions. You and your doctor should determine the replacement schedule. The wearing schedule defines how often you remove, replace, or discard your lenses.

    Day and night Contact Lenses - You wear these lenses day and night for up to 30 days. You then remove them and dispose of them. It is my personal opinion that if you can tolerate them the Day and Night Contact lenses would be the best idea. Imagine what you can do with all the time you save because you aren t busy cleaning your lenses every night.

The more lenses are replaced the healthier your eyes will be. Over time there can be a build up of calcium, lipids, and proteins on them and make your eyes very uncomfortable and make you prone to infections. Some people wear disposable lenses for theatrical purposes and use color changer lenses. There are all kinds of contact lenses including those with logos and animal eyes.

What are some of the benefits of using disposable contact lenses?

    There is lower risk of infections, lenses are sterile

    There is not enough time for calcium and protein to build up on them.

    They result in clearer vision.

    They are not for use with cleaning solutions.

    There is no worry about having cleaning solutions or storing them.

    Daily disposables are ideal for people who suffer from allergies, especially during the high allergy season.

    The are great for people who wear contacts only a few days a week. They are also cheaper if you wear them only a few days a week.

    If you rip your lenses or lose them, you simply discard them and open a new package.

The benefits of disposable contact lenses are greater than eyeglasses. Some people keep a pair of glasses just in case something has to happen to their lenses.

The decision to use contact lenses including disposable contact lenses should be discussed with your eye care physician. A careful examination should be conducted as well. Do your research some manufacturers of contact lenses will offer you a free trial for at least a week.

You can get disposable contact lenses from eye care places or you can get them online. Either way you will need to have a prescription. Be aware that not everyone can wear contact lenses and only you and your doctor can decide that. You need to decide if you can afford them. Talk to the manufacturers and see if they have any special offers and/or trial periods. Do your research; see what kinds of lens are available for your prescription. Do what is best for you.
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Three types of standard treatments used to treat malignant mesothelioma

Three types of standard treatments
Clinical research to treat malignant mesothelioma is very active and although no treatment has yet proved entirely successful, there exist a range of treatments available to individuals diagnosed with the disease. There are three types of standard treatments used to treat malignant mesothelioma which include: surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.


Surgery for malignant mesothelioma is divided into a number of sub-classes, which are specially designed to limit the disease for individuals with particular strains of the disease.

Extrapleural pneumonectomy is a severe form of surgery in which the entire lung and a portion of the lining of the chest, the diaphragm, and some or the entire sac which surrounds the heart is removed.

Wide local excision is a form of surgery which targets and removes the cancer and a limited amount of the healthy tissue surrounding the cancerous region.

Pleurectomy and decortication removes part of the covering of the lungs, as well as the lining of the chest and portions of the outside covering of the lungs.

The surgical procedure pleurodesis is a distinct technique insofar as it employs a blend of chemicals and/or drugs to create an intentional scar between the layers of the pleura. Post surgery, the space created by the scar must be drained, using either a catheter or chest tube, and is then filled with a chemical which inhibits the accumulation of fluid in the pleura cavity.


The second primary medical technique used to fight the development of malignant mesothelioma is radiation. Radiation therapy, as applied to malignant mesothelioma uses the same basic technology as other forms of medical radiation insofar as the technique employs high energy x-rays to kill cancer cells. The process is divided into two broad categories:

External radiation therapy is a technique in which a machine sends radiation in a targeted stream at a certain portion of the body, and in so doing it kills the cancerous cells in its purview.

Internal radiation therapy, by contrast, uses not an external machine, but rather needles, seeds and catheters to place radioactive substance directly on or near the cancer. While the precise method of implementation will of course depend upon the type and stage of the illness, what is constant within this category is that the goal is to get the radiation placed directly onto the cancerous area and in so doing provide a more concentrated and directed dosage.


The third standard malignant mesothelioma treatment is Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy uses drugs which target cancer cells and stop them from dividing and thus prevent their growth.

In systemic chemotherapy, the drug can be taken by mouth or injected, but either way the goal is to have it reach cancer cells by means of the body s own blood circulation system. In regional chemotherapy, the drug is placed directly onto the target area. And finally, combination chemotherapy involves the use of two or more anticancer drugs which can be administered either orally or through injection.

Malignant mesothelioma is a difficult disease for anyone to bear, however, educating oneself as to the options available is an important step for making the process more manageable.
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Tips Health and Fitness

 Health and Fitness
Health and Fitness has now become one of the major concerns. Earlier humans used to hunt for their living, due to which their body had to undergo a lot of physical exercise. This made life active and alert. Now, life has become more simple and easy. Everything we need is just a phone call away. This easy life has restricted humans to do that bit of physical exercise which is required to keep the body fit and healthy. We get instant, spicy and variety of food which lose their nutrition during the process.

How do we ensure that we have all that we need to have a healthy living? This is a big question among everyone. We need proper nutrition and a fit and healthy body. Good Health is all that one craves for. Becoming healthier and fitter though not very difficult needs dedicated efforts.

Nutrition and Health Diet

The basic foundation for a healthy individual starts from his foetal stage with proper and healthy nutrition derived from his or her mother. Hence, a pregnant woman's diet stands atop all diets.

Your food shall be your medicine. Ayurveda has postulated the role of food and especially nutritive foods for maintaining health as well as cure of diseases. Nutrients are necessary for the proper functioning of mental, physical, metabolic, chemical and hormonal activities. The body is like a machine that will repair and rebuild itself if proper nutrition is provided by way of food.

Sumptous nutrition is available in fruits and vegetables. Fruits have the capacity to give all that a body needs. How to consume? What to consume? Which fruit helps in which way? The answers to these questions can be found in our Nutrition and Healthy Diet Section

Exercise and Fitness

Simple fitness exercises can help to have a fitter and healthy life. Stretching exercises can help in many ways in mainting a fitter body. Weight loss can be achieved by following simple effortless regular exercises. Medical breakthroughs can happen by regular meditation and exercising. Yoga and other workouts which can be performed easily are available in this website to keep you fit and healthy.

Health and Fitness can make all that difference in one's life. Healthy living is all that one needs, and to achieve that we picked up the best of the articles from reliable sources and have presented here in an organized manner. You might not be able to spend your valuable time on complicated medications and diet controls, but, you can find articles to help you have a better living using simple and easy technics.

Ayurveda, a science in vogue practiced since centuries, uses a wide variety of plants, animal origin substances, mineral and metallic substances to rebalance the diseased condition in the sick. A few tips on simple treatment of life style diseases have been carefully picked for the visitors of this website. These tips can help reduce or control diseases like diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure, etc.

Source :healthtips
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Tips and Info Natural Herbal Skin Care

Natural Herbal Skin Care

Natural herbal skin care has been the choice of beautiful women the world over for thousands of years. It has only been recently that cosmetic companies have formulated makeup and skin care products that contain chemicals and artificial additives in an effort to improve on the natural herbal skin care regimens that have been around for centuries.

But today many women have come to realize that these harsh chemicals and artificial ingredients that are so expensive aren?t necessarily good for their skin ? in fact, in some cases they can cause drying and stripping of the skin?s natural pH balance and interfere with the body?s natural skin repair process. That?s why so many have returned to the natural herbal skin care routines that are based on some of the same key ingredients that might have been used by legendary beauties like Cleopatra or Marie Antoinette.

Some basic beauty secrets of the ages ? natural herbal ingredients for skin care includes essential oils, rose water, crushed almonds, sea salts, rice powder, shea butter and purified water are common. These ingredients are good for the skin as rarely you will encounter any allergy to them. These natural ingredients can help to moisturize dry skin and contains cooling botanicals to promote the healing of blemishes and a complete skin care regimen. The benefits include slowing down the aging process and help to diminish those fine lines and crow?s feet.

Natural herbal skin care can be the answer if you have sensitive skin and are prone to rashes and or break-outs. Many people don?t realize that occasional flare-ups of blemishes or rashes can mean your skin is being irritated by the many chemicals in the soaps, cleansers, astringents and other products your skin is exposed to every day. Add to the list the many dyes, chemicals and preservatives in your makeup and it?s a virtual assault on your delicate skin.

That?s what makes natural herbal skin care so important as a part of your daily skin care routine. Using natural, soothing ingredients can actually calm and soothe your skin, reducing the number of break-outs and rashes. Soothing ingredients like oatmeal for sensitive skin calm itching and redness when rare flare-ups do occur due to environmental stressors.

Most natural skin products are full of natural botanicals, vitamins and minerals and pure anti-oxidants to nourish your skin, and are just as rich and creamy as any luxury department store skin care line. There is a whole range of products, from natural clay masks for acne to healing aloe gels for dry skin. Best of all, these does not contain the harsh chemicals that you can find in some other non-natural products.

By using natural herbal skin care products, you?re improving the condition of your skin and decreasing the likelihood of future skin problems.

Source :www.101healthandbeautytips.com
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Quit Smoking Tips: A step to a better life

Quit Smoking Tips: A step to a better life
Nobody needs to be told the ill-effects of the smoking. Even then, smokers find it very hard to give up smoking permanently. Nicotine, an integral part of cigarette, is an addictive substance. As you try to give up smoking, your way of life changes. The natural tendency of your body would be to oppose this change as by now, it has become hungry for nicotine. But, smoking has unlimited side effects which cant be ignored. So, here are some tips to give up smoking in a planned and a more comfortable way.

But before you undertake this journey, the first question which strikes your mind is Why? why should you give up a thing which your body enjoys?

Smoking's ill-effects:

. High risk of lung cancer

. High risk of Heart diseases.

. Bad breath and stained teeth.

. Making people around you also suffer( passive smoking)

. Serious breathing problems.

. Charm on the face vanishes. Wrinkles develop soon.

. Risk of stomach ulcers and acid reflux.

. Lower athletic ability

. Money and time loss.

. Last but not the least, setting up wrong examples for your children.

Next question which immediately strikes our mind, How? how to give up smoking?

. Make up your mind and live up to your commitment: Giving up smoking wont be a piece of cake for you. So you need to be highly committed towards your goal. Make a list of reasons for quitting smoking and keep that list with you 247. Always go through the list when you have an urge to smoke. It will help you keeping cigarettes away.

. Get right support, guidance and encouragement: Ask your family and friends to support you during these days. Their support can make it easier for you. Consult your doctor for medical advice. He can give you helpful telephone hotlines numbers or self help material. Most important of all, you can enroll yourself in some recommended QUIT SMOKING program. Good programs covers all the material which you need to give up smoking. They also suggest nicotine replacement products which are not addictive but still help you keep off nicotine. They are highly effective and results remain permanent.

. Don't give up even when you badly want to smoke: Increase your will power. You and only you can make it happen. Remember, " Those who stand for nothing, fall for anything."

Remember, you will not die if you stop smoking. You might feel hungrier in the beginning which can lead to a minor weight gain but trust me, it is all worth giving up smoking for minor weight gain. You may have problems concentrating and you will be uncomfortable in the beginning. But, this is all a part of a game and with time, you will start leading a healthier and a normal life.

Many ex-smokers did not succeed at first, but they kept trying. So DONT GIVE UP and MAKE IT HAPPEN FOR YOU!

by: Jasdeep Singh
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Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma

Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Survival Rate

Malignant pleural mesothelioma is the most common type of malignant mesothelioma. Many factors may be involved in determining the survival rate for this aggressive cancer; some are better understood than others. Estimates of median survival time range from one to two years; survival depends on underlying factors such as the type and extent of spread of the mesothelioma. Only seven percent of people with this cancer survive to five years after diagnosis, but this outlook is gradually improving with some promising experimental treatments. Some people live well beyond five years from the time of diagnosis.

In general, younger age at diagnosis, absence of weight loss and limited loss of lung function are associated with chances for increased survival. Stage I mesotheliomas, which have not spread to the lymph nodes or adjacent tissues and organs, also carry the best prognosis. The type of cell the cancer is comprised of can also affect survival. The epithelioid cell type has the best prognosis, the mixed or biphasic cell type the next best prognosis, and the sarcomatoid cell type the worst prognosis. The majority of malignant pleural mesotheliomas are of the epithelioid cell type.

Because this cancer takes so long to manifest, people are usually diagnosed at an older age and with more advanced disease, potentially worsening the prognosis and the treatment options available. The more aggressive the treatment, the better the outcome may be, but in cases with cancer that has spread to other parts of the body, chemotherapy may be the only alternative. New drugs, such as the combination of Alimta with Platinol, have been shown to improve survival in malignant mesothelioma patients whose only option is chemotherapy. A number of experimental treatments, such as immunotherapy and biotherapy, are currently being evaluated in clinical trials.
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Sugary drinks cause risk Hypertension

Sugary drinks cause risk Hypertensio
Adults who used to drink sweet drinks at risk of having high blood pressure than those with less. The research team found that people who consume more soda and sugary drinks have potential blood pressure levels higher than those who consumed less.

Study author Ian J. Brown, of the department of epidemiology and biostatistics at the Scool of Public Health at Imperial College London, said the risk of high blood pressure due to sugary drinks can be larger when salt intake is higher. "Salt is a cause of high blood pressure," he said.

Brown found the men and women who consumed at least one glass of sugary drinks tend to eat more calories in his body. They have less healthy diets than those who do not consume.

Brown and his team examined the potential link between sugar-sweetened beverages and high blood pressure by analyzing the pattern of consumption of nearly 2700 men and women from America and Britain. Respondents aged between 40 and 59 years were examined daily menu that includes food, sugar, sugar-sweetened beverages and soft drinks during the four days they were taken samples of urine and blood pressure monitored during the study.

Lifestyle, medical factors and social well researched.

The team studied those who drank more than one sweet drinks (355 milliliters) a day had the highest consumption of sugar (either glucose, fructose or sucrose) and the highest calorie intake, with an average of about 400 calories per day. They drink more than one sweet drinks per day also had an average body mass index (BMI) higher than those who did not drink. The consumer also consume sweet drinks that are less healthy foods.

Blood pressure is a sweet beverage drinkers found both systolic and diastolic readings (1.6 and 0.8). Normally blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg. The sweet beverage drinkers have higher blood pressure. "They also have a high salt intake," he said.

Brown suggested an alternative for heart-healthy benefits, can be selected beverages such as water or unsweetened tea. "

Source :Tempointeraktif.com
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Info Vitamin C is less effective to cure flu

 Vitamin C  is less effective to cure flu
Many of us when we got the flu immediately think to drink orange juice or supplemental vitamin C. But is it really effective way to cure the flu?

Oranges, grapefruits and other foods containing vitamin C is beneficial for health. But after various studies conducted, the conclusion that vitamin C had little effect to cure or prevent flu illness.

Definition of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is ascorbat acid, but to avoid the effects of increased gastric acidity, vitamin C is often presented in the form of sodium salt ascorbat.


Recent research on vitamin C, which is published around the beginning of 2009 in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, evaluates various research on vitamin C during the last few decades, involving 11 000 subjects who consumed 200 mg or more of vitamin C every day. (Limit consumption of vitamin C recommended by the American government is 60 mg / day).

The results showed that vitamin C is only slightly influenced to reduce or treat the flu in most of the population. However, the results of research on most of the group of people who often experience physical stress (such as marathon athletes, military personnel, etc.) show that vitamin C can reduce their risk for contracting the flu. If the athletes are consuming vitamin C according to the recommended dosage every day, then their chances of contracting the flu will be reduced by 50%.

For normal people like us, however, will not drink orange juice too much influence to prevent the flu. As said Robert Douglas (President of The Public Health Association of Australia), "Millions of people who consume high doses of vitamin C by assuming that will prevent the flu does not really have a strong foundation."

Then how the story begins so that vitamin C is associated with cold medicine?

It all started from the Linus Pauling - a Chemistry Nobel laureate who lived from 1901 hinga 1994. In 1970, Pauling wrote a book "Vitamin C and the Common Cold," which popularized the statement that this type of vitamin that can prevent a person infected with mild diseases. But according to Thomas Hager - Linus Pauling biographer - "The book was published with a science background is not good, and there is no evidence to support that statement."

"Pauling published a highly influential book without writing a bit about in scientific journals and reference titles, and without sufficient evidence," added Thomas Hager.

Although the effect of vitamin C to cure the flu does not exist, but the doctor just a little motivated to correct the statement about vitamin C, due to the consumption of vitamin C is not a threat to public health. (In fact, some studies have linked the antioxidant properties of vitamin C by reducing the risk of cancer).

After all according to Professor Arnold Monto - Professor of Epidemiology at the University of Michigan's School of Public Health, would be better to not make public the anti-vitamin C, besides the consumption of vitamin C will not endanger human health. "Consumption of vitamin C will give a good impact, and will not be harmful to health", added Professor Monto.

Therefore, although the relationship between the prevention of influenza disease and vitamin C is still questionable, but the habit of consuming vitamin C is good considering the antioxidant properties of vitamin C.
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Pleural Mesothelioma

Pleural Mesothelioma
Nearly 75 percent of mesotheliomas are initiated in the chest and are called pleural mesotheliomas. Pleural mesothelioma is the most common form of this devastating disease. This occurs when asbestos fibers enter the pleura, which is the membrane that covers the lungs, and results in the formation of malignant cells. The people most at risk of developing this rare form of cancer are construction workers who have been exposed to asbestos fibers for extended periods of time, their families, who are exposed to the asbestos fibers that collect on the clothes of the workers, and people who live or work in buildings that are insulated with asbestos material.

The risk of developing malignant pleural mesothelioma depends on several factors, such as the length of time the person has been exposed, and the nature of the asbestos fibers involved as well as the different kinds of industries. Other factors can also contribute to onset of pleural mesothelioma.

The symptoms at the initial stage can resemble that of pneumonia. When malignant mesothelioma originates in the pleural cavity, the first symptom may be a mild pain in the chest or back. When malignant pleural mesothelioma spreads, organs and tissues in the immediate area can be affected. It grows into the chest wall, muscles and ribs. The pain changes from mild, general and episodic to severe, localized and chronic as the disease progresses. Severe pain may not respond to oral doses, intravenous infusions, or intramuscular injections of analgesics or narcotics.

There are at least two other forms of mesothelioma, but pleural mesothelioma responds best to treatment. Unfortunately, the fatality rate remains high. However, extensive research is going on to alleviate the pain of mesothelioma sufferers, develop a vaccine, and treat the progression of the cancer.

By: Richard Romando
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Peritoneal Mesothelioma Lawyers

Peritoneal Mesothelioma Lawyers
Peritoneal mesothelioma is a form of cancer caused mainly by exposure to asbestos. Despite being well aware of the risk of peritoneal mesothelioma after long exposure to asbestos, asbestos companies continue to expose workers to the dangers. The survival rate for peritoneal mesothelioma patients was grim. Now, however, there are a few effective treatments for peritoneal mesothelioma. The chances for successfully battling the peritoneal mesothelioma depends upon the stage of the cancer.

If you or a family member is unfortunate enough to suffer from peritoneal mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure, you are advised to contact a peritoneal mesothelioma lawyer. The suffering and loss inherent in this type of cancer can be extensive and a lawyer who specializes in litigating this type of case will be aggressive and will help you to seek compensation for the damages you are entitled to. Most reputable lawyers will be able to provide you with information on previous cases including how many mesothelioma lawsuits theyve handled, how quickly the cases were resolved, and how much compensation was obtained.

Peritoneal mesothelioma lawyers specialize in fighting the case for peritoneal mesothelioma victims. An expert and reputable mesothelioma lawyer will be able to guide you if a strong case exists and obtain compensation for you from the responsible company. A knowledgeable and understanding mesothelioma lawyer will help you fight for justice and the financial compensation to offset those spiraling medical expenses and to provide financial security for your family's future. If the case is presented through the right lawyer, he can get thousands of dollars to millions of dollars as compensation.

Most mesothelioma lawyers work on a contingency basis, that is, for a percentage of the amount of the compensation claimed; therefore you wont have to pay legal fees unless you win compensation. Although there is no guarantee that your claim will be successful, if you are awarded damages you may be able to secure your familys financial future if your claim is successful.

By:Jason Gluckman
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Skin care for Diabetes Patients

Steps to take which may prevent or at least alleviate skin disorders related to diabetes.
Many people with diabetes soon learn that following the correct diet is only half the battle.

Skin care for Diabetes Patients

The major component in diabetes is that the body does not produce or properly use insulin.Insulin is needed to convert sugar and carbohydrates into energy.While nutrition and exercise are important, people with diabetes still usually have health problems - or potential health problems - such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels that increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.As if this weren't enough to deal with, skin problems can also plague people with diabetes even if they are extremely careful about their health care.As many as one third of diabetic patients suffer from skin disorders at some point in their lives; in fact, often a skin problem is the first indication that a person has diabetes.Following are some steps to take which may prevent or at least alleviate skin disorders related to diabetes.

The first thing you want to do is to keep your skin clean and dry.Bathe regularly and use moisturizing soaps.The trick is to balance the difference between dry skin and skin that is kept dry.Keep your skin from being overly moist: dry off completely after bathing, use lotions or moisturizers only on open areas (not in arm pits or between toes), bathe in warm water - hot water can dry out skin, and stick to cotton clothing, especially underwear.

At the same time, don't allow your skin to dry out.Dry, itchy skin can crack open, paving the way for infection to creep in.Moisturize your skin, especially during the cold winter months.Use a humidifier in your home if it is excessively dry from forced air heat or a wood burning stove.If dryness causes your skin to crack open, or if you experience any other minor cuts or scrapes, wash the area with soap and water but do not use iodine, alcohol or any antiseptic: these will irritate your skin further.With your doctor's permission, an antibiotic ointment is usually fine to use.

People with diabetes often find problems with their feet especially troublesome.Following are a few things to remember.First, let a doctor treat corns or calluses; don't try to do it yourself.Wash your feet in warm water daily but don't let them soak for long, and dry carefully between your toes.If your feet feel overly dry, use a moisturizer, but do not put it in between your toes, as it can cause fungus to grow.Check your feet daily for blisters, sores or redness.

See your doctor if you can't solve skin problems yourself, and he may refer you to a dermatologist.And lastly, remember to keep your diabetes well managed.Take it seriously and be responsible.Pay attention to your glucose levels, as high levels will tend to cause dry skin, and may lessen your ability to fight off harmful bacteria.Responsible management of your diabetes may not make the skin problems go away all together, but it will help to reduce and alleviate them.
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Tips to prevent and reduce diabetes

Tips to prevent and reduce diabetes
Diabetes effects of the 30 million Americans. There are two types, one that can be prevented through healthy lifestyles. Here are precautions to take to avoid this interference.

Diabetes is a disease that affects more than 32 million Americans.Today disease is three times as common as it was only a decade ago.There two types of diabetes: one type and one type two.Type transferred genetically and appear at birth or during the stage of youth type life.Diabetes two occur with age and as a result of a lifestyle dominated by consumption toxins.The good news is that type two is preventable.By adopt a healthy lifestyle most people can avoid diabetes in half. Here are some ways I can minimize the risk for contracting this debilitating disease.

Before I can find the help I need to realize the gravity of my condition "" if I have one in all.Thus, the first step is to get adults tested.An should be tested every two or three years after the age of thirty nine.The administration of the FPG, or fasting plasma glucose test provides accurate results.In this test blood sugar checked immediately after the patient woke up in a healthy reading morning.A is between seven and ninety-nine milligrams of glucose per deciliter higher blood.Levels means I have prediabetes, or if the count is more from 126, full diabetes.The oral glucose tolerance test is another option is to me more than four decades and are concerned about having diabetes.Blood tested after overnight fast and again two hours after drinking the glucose mixture.On second test a normal level under one hundred milligrams forty per dose deciliter.Any above this mark and below the two hundred mark prediabetes; two hundred and more shows that I have diabetes.

If I had been diagnosed with prediabetes or diabetes are the first step in combating the problem is the loss weight.A diabetes associated with obesity due to excess fat in the cells and form the resistance to insulin, the hormone that transports sugar out of bloodstream.Losing ten pounds will significantly reduce the permeability cells and can reduce the symptoms of diabetes.

It is important that weight loss is through a certain diet.Whole item must make a large amount of grain carbohydrates intake.Whole me, unlike refined grains like white rice and white bread, slow the absorption of sugar in the bloodstream.This reduce jump in blood sugar which was the catalyst for my appetite and put me at risk of weight-gain.Eating fruits and vegetables will help me prevent diabetes.If I eat seven servings a day you will find a decrease in caloric intake is accompanied by an increase in fatty foods fiber . Replace with helpings.Fat vegetables and fruit has twice the calories from carbohydrates and fats have the potential to lead protein.All weight-loss, and therefore, not diabetes-friendly products. Because I can not cut all fat from my diet, stick to lean meats and low-fat milk products.It may seem obvious, but I have to avoid sugar.Sugar absorbed very quickly in the bloodstream and cause a big spike in glucose levels and insulin. Sugar also lead to obesity.

Diet alone is not enough to reverse the trend.Exercise-diabetes is very important in the fight against disease.It has been proven that exercise makes the cells in your body more responsive to insulin and increase the ability of cells to drive sugar from bloodstream.In Furthermore, exercise lowered blood sugar by burning glucose to lose fuel.Weight is precipitated exercise (combined with healthy diet) as well.Thirty for forty-five minute walk every day will do wonders for weight loss in individuals who are not used to get off the couch and will allows people who are relatively active ability to maintain healthy condition.For more ambitious out there, a program of cardiovascular, aerobics, and strength training is suggested.Two thirds of the abolition of the sugar took place in the muscles, because muscles work naturally it will cause loss of glucose from the body and will increase the weight of fat.

These tips are standard for those who want to fight diabetes, if you have both tested positive for prediabetes or diabetes you should consult a doctor as well.
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Mesothelioma Lawyer

Mesothelioma Lawyer
Awareness of the harmful effects of asbestos has increased greatly since the 1970s. The large majority of people with malignant mesothelioma have a history of exposure to asbestos. Much of this exposure occurred after it was known that asbestos is linked to potentially debilitating diseases such as asbestosis. Diseases caused by asbestos exposure are preventable by removing asbestos exposure. The fact that workers in several industries were knowingly exposed to this dangerous substance has formed the basis of a great deal of litigation to seek compensation for victims of asbestos exposure in the United States. An Internet search can provide a long list of lawyers who are involved in asbestos-related litigation.

A patient with malignant mesothelioma and a history of asbestos exposure can file a lawsuit against the entity that was responsible for the asbestos exposure. In some states, exposure to asbestos alone, without any clinical disease, is sufficient to seek damages. Lawyers experienced in asbestos-related litigation, and with detailed knowledge of asbestos-related laws, may best serve plaintiffs. A skilled lawyer can help establish that a victim was exposed to asbestos, and can often use this information to settle litigation out of court. A victim can seek compensation for medical costs and lost income. Compensation for suffering can also be sought. If the person suffering from an asbestos-related disease dies, family members can continue to seek damages on the victims behalf.

Close to a million Americans have filed lawsuits seeking compensation from companies alleged to be responsible for exposing them to asbestos. Selecting the right lawyer can be a daunting task for individuals and families coping with a highly lethal cancer like malignant mesothelioma. There are a number of support groups for victims of asbestos exposure that can help with free information on reliable legal representation.
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Diffuse Pleural Mesothelioma

Diffuse Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma
Diffuse malignant pleural mesothelioma, or DMM, is a rare but highly aggressive type of cancer. It occurs in the thin layer of tissue, the pleura, lining the chest cavity and lungs. Once diagnosed with DMM, most patients do not survive beyond one year. This cancer is more common in men than in women, and in older people.

Most people with DMM have a history of exposure to asbestos; however, if they are not aware that such exposure occurred, they may be unaware that they are at risk. A patient with DMM typically has one or more of the following signs and symptoms: chest pain, shortness of breath, unexplained weight loss, fatigue, fever, or a cough. An x-ray usually shows that the pleural tissue around the lungs has thickened due to the development of a number of nodules or small cancerous growths. Sometimes, there may be a single large growth. When a biopsy of the cancer tissue is done, the types of cells that make up the cancer may be epithelioid, mixed, or sarcomatoid. People with epithelioid cell cancers tend to survive somewhat longer; those with sarcomatoid cancers usually have the shortest survival.

DMM is always treated as aggressively as possible. The type of treatment depends on the dominant cell type the cancer is made of, the extent of spread of the cancer, and the overall health of the person undergoing treatment. Surgery is a preferred option where the bulk of the cancer can be removed. Many anti-cancer drugs are being tried to treat DMM, with varying levels of short-term success. Radiotherapy may also be an option. A number of clinical trials are currently underway to try and find a treatment that may improve the outlook for DMM patients. However, only seven percent of people with DMM survive beyond five years.
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Mesothelioma Symptoms: An Overview

Mesothelioma Symptoms: An Overview
 Malignant mesotheliomas are rare cancers that form in the tissues lining the lungs (pleura), abdomen (peritoneum) or heart (pericardium). Pleural mesothelioma, which affects the lining of the lungs, is the most common, accounting for about 75 percent of all malignant mesotheliomas. Between ten and twenty percent of all malignant mesotheliomas are peritoneal mesotheliomas. Pericardial mesotheliomas are extremely rare. A history of exposure to asbestos is found in most individuals with mesothelioma. The time from exposure to onset of cancer may be as long as thirty years; this is why most people with malignant mesothelioma are between 50 and 70 years old.

Many symptoms of malignant mesothelioma are non-specific, and are also seen in a number of other chest and abdominal conditions. This, combined with the lack of an accurate history of asbestos exposure in some patients, may considerably delay diagnosis. The majority of people with mesothelioma only have symptoms during the two to three months before they are diagnosed. About one quarter of all people with malignant mesothelioma have symptoms for about six months before diagnosis.

Once symptoms are present, they may depend on the location of the primary cancer. In general, symptoms become more pronounced with more advanced disease. With pleural mesothelioma, common symptoms are difficulty breathing, cough, pain in the chest or under the ribcage, coughing up blood, hoarseness, and the collection of fluid or pleural effusion in the pleural cavity. The face and arms may swell up. Many of these symptoms and signs are also seen with lung cancer.

With peritoneal mesothelioma, symptoms may include a lump or swelling in the abdomen, abdominal pain, fluid in the abdomen, constipation due to bowel obstruction, nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. Patients suffering from pericardial mesothelioma may experience chest pain, breathlessness and palpitations. Some symptoms of malignant mesothelioma are common to many cancers. These include unexplained weight loss, fever and fatigue.
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How Toxic Is Your Home?

Toxic Is Your Home
We like to think of our homes as being a safe place to be--a refuge from a dangerous world. Yet some of the exposures that you have day-to-day that are most hazardous to your health and the health of your family happen right at home.

The good news is that for every toxic product you'll find in your home, there is a safer alternative. You just need to know where to look for those toxic exposures and what safe solutions are available.

Here are ten common toxic exposures most Americans have in their homes, and some simple, inexpensive things everyone can do to reduce household toxics.

1. Save yourself from exposure to toxic ammonia by washing your windows with vinegar and water. Ammonia can cause irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract, and burn your skin. Instead, mix distilled white or apple cider vinegar half-and-half with water in a spray bottle. Squirt on windows and wipe with recycled newspapers for a streak-free super shine.

2. Free yourself from toxic formaldehyde exposure by sleeping on untreated cotton sheets. Formaldehyde exposure can cause insomnia—yes, insomnia—and respiratory problems, among other symptoms. Bypass formaldehyde-coated polyester/cotton sheets and no-iron cotton sheets and choose cozy cotton flannel sheets or untreated cotton percale sheets, both available at major department stores and online.

3. Put up a detector to protect your family from carbon monoxide exposure. Carbon monoxide starves the body and brain of oxygen and can be fatal. First symptoms include sleepiness, headache, dizziness, flushed skin, and disorientation. All homes with gas appliances or heaters should install carbon monoxide detectors, available in most hardware and home improvement stores or on-line.

4. Replace toxic mothballs with sweet sachets. Mothballs are made from 100 percent paradichlorobenzene, a volatile toxic chemical that can cause headaches and severe irritation to nose, throat and lungs. Over time it can cause liver and kidney damage. Because the balls look like candy, they are a very attractive poison to children. Protect your woolens from moths by making sachets from dried lavender, equal parts dried rosemary and mint, or whole peppercorns. Cedar products are also effective moth repellants.

5. Use soap-based cleaning products instead of poisonous detergent. While detergents seem safe, they are a petrochemical-based product that is responsible for more household poisonings than any other substance. Soap, on the other hand, is made from natural oils and minerals and has been safely used for centuries. Natural and organic soap-based products can be found in natural food stores and online.

6. Refill your own non-plastic water bottle instead of using toxic plastic water bottles. While it's good for your health to carry your own water and drink it throughout the day, if it's in a clear polycarbonate plastic bottle, it is leaching a toxic substance into your water--even if the bottle is sitting on table at room temperature. Bisphenol-A. BPA is a potent hormone disruptor that can impair the reproductive organs and have adverse effects on breast tissue and prostate development. Drink from a glass bottle or carry an aluminum or steel bottle, available online.

7. Avoid toxic pesticides by making dinner using fresh, organically-grown produce. Most food sold in supermarkets are sprayed heavily with pesticides, many of which cause cancer. Find out where to buy pesticide-free organically grown food in your community, go there and purchase what looks good and is in season. One taste and you’ll go back for more. A great variety of organically-grown food can also be ordered on-line.

8. Wash away petrochemical perfumes and take a botanical bath. Many commercial bath products contain detergents and artificial fragrances that can be irritating to sensitive areas. You can have a luxurious relaxing bath by adding natural substances to warm bathwater, such as fragrant dried or fresh herbs (try lavender, rosemary, or peppermint), a quart of buttermilk, or 1 cup Epsom salts. For bubbles, use a natural or organic soap, available in natural food stores and online.

9. Get some color in your life without toxic solvents by choosing colorful water-based pens and markers. Check through your pens and markers and throw away any with "permanent" ink. They contain very toxic volatile solvents such as toluene and xylene. Every office discount warehouse and art supply store I have been to carries water-based pens and markers in every size and color.

10. Clear the air with a couple of houseplants. In addition to being beautiful to look at, houseplants also freshen the air by absorbing the carbon dioxide we exhale and releasing the oxygen that is vital for us to breathe. Some plants, such as the popular spider plant, also remove some air pollutants.
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Diet plan, Menu And Recipes

 Menu And Recipes
General Guidelines:

Eat a variety of food and make sure that the majority of your caloric content derived from carbohydrates and fiber-rich foods.

It is recommended by the North American organization of Diabetes to eat three small to medium size meal every day and 2 to 4 snacks daily. It is also advisable to have a snack just before bed.

Never skip meals. Your blood sugar levels will be consistent if your food and calories are distributed evenly throughout the day.

Food should be taken around the same time every day.

Meal 1:

When you wake up in the morning your blood sugar levels usually will be low. To start the day, a small high protein meal that includes meat and foods rich in carbohydrates such as wholemeal bread would be good. Wash down with a cup of milk or yogurt drink low cal.

Meal 2:

Vegetable sticks with dip low calorie, wheat crackers, and small portions of fruit or cottage cheese would be good for a second meal of your day. This can make you fill up your time for lunch.

Meal 3:

Choose protein-rich food such as pasta salad or garden plant or multi grain pita bread.

Meal four:

Meal 4 usually consists of fruits and vegetables. Plant or fruit juice with a little cheese and wheat bagels will make quick, delicious and healthy snack.

Meal 5:

A whole grain wrap filled with chicken and salad is good food. You can dress it with a drop of salad of your preferences or you can treat yourself to a free sugar cookie.

Meal six:

When you are up at least three hours after your dinner, your sugar levels will begin to dip. Apples or full grain muffins or one or two nut biscuits with a cup of milk will be the final resting bed time.

Hopefully, this reading can be useful for you and your health is maintained.
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Swine Flu??Virus

Swine Flu The Virus
The most common symptoms of swine flu are the same as seasonal flu, including fever, weakness, fatigue and sore muscles and joints, although it can be difficult. Some people are more at risk, such as pregnant women, elderly and children with disabilities and basic health.

What is the swine flu and how serious is it?

A new influenza A (H1N1), also known as swine flu, confirmed the United Kingdom in April 2009. About 200 countries around the world have also been reported cases of swine flu.

Although symptoms are usually proven to be mild, a small number of patients develop more severe disease. Many of these people have other health problems like heart or lung disease that put them up.


Patients with influenza virus typically have a fever or high fever (over 38 ° C / 100.4 ° F) and two or more of the following symptoms:

* Unusual tiredness

* Headache

* Runny nose

* Sore throat

* Shortness of breath or cough

* Loss of appetite

Myalgia *

* Diarrhea or vomiting

As with any type of flu, how much and how long symptoms last depends on treatment and the patient's individual circumstances.

Most cases reported in the UK have been relatively mild, with affected people begin to recover in a week.

Who is at risk?

Some groups of people most at risk of serious illness if they catch flu swine. It is essential that people in these high risk groups get anti-viral drugs and start taking them as soon as possible - within 48 hours of onset of symptoms.

Health authorities are still learning about swine flu virus, but the following are known to be a major risk

* Pregnant women

* 65 years and over

* Children under five

People with the following conditions are also at high risk:

* Chronic pulmonary disease

* Chronic heart disease

* Chronic kidney disease

* Chronic liver disease

* Chronic neurological disease

* Immunosuppression (whether caused by disease or treatment)

* Diabetes

* Patients with a history of asthma drugs in the last three years

If you think you are the swine flu

If you think you have symptoms of swine flu, stay home and contact your doctor.

They will be able to evaluate and decide what treatment is appropriate.
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Hair loss Solution for the body is always comfortable activity

Aloe vera hair loss
How to cope with loss and thinning hair there are many, including the form of medicines, and healing herbs and natural treatments. It's good they are experiencing hair loss to try all methods of healing to find a method that is best suited to the conditions of his hair.

There are several natural treatments for preventing baldness. Over the years, aloe vera is believed to be one of the most potent plants in overcoming baldness. Aloe vera is also readily available and easy to use treat hair and scalp.
In addition to aloe vera, there are many people who believe that aromatherapy is also useful to overcome the loss. By mixing the aromatic oils cedarwood, lavender and rosemary, which to the head, then your scalp is not stimulated to grow new, healthy hair. Or it could also shed a little aromatic oil into the shampoo you use frequently.
Young coconut water is also very useful to solve hair loss with the way your hair is often common in the wet young coconut water every morning and evening.

How do you treat hair also greatly affect the health of hair. Do not be too frequent use of hair products that are too hard, like gel, wax to hair spray. And let your hair dry by itself.
This may be a little help you in maintaining the health of the body. members of your body healthy you can work comfortably and energetic course.
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10 foods at the recommended for patients with heart disease

heart-healthy foods
Nothing is more important than maintaining your heart health. Exercising regularly, not smoking, and controlling stress are some things that are recommended by health experts, of course all by consuming a variety of nutrients essential for a healthy heart.

1. Oatmeal
Start your day with a bowl of oats are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, folate, and potassium. Foods rich in fiber has been proven in various studies, capable of lowering LDL, aka bad cholesterol and keep arteries clean channel. Oats are pure grains rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber that effectively lower cholesterol. A diet rich in oats can reduce the risk of heart disease. Research has shown that oats lower cholesterol, to maintain at normal levels and help prevent certain types of certain cancers. Oats are also a source of protein, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, thiamin, folacin and vitamin E than other types of food grains.

2. Salmon
Again, the omega-3 fatty acids high a mainstay, and is contained in salmon flesh. These foods can reduce blood pressure effectively, and maintain the smooth flow of blood. Two servings a week can reduce the risk of death from heart attack to a third. But be sure to choose wild salmon from salmon instead of captivity - because often times packed with contaminant insecticides, pesticides, and heavy metals.

3. Avocado
Fruits that contain these fats, also very good for your heart. Add it to salads or eat them by adding a little coffee and sugar, could be an alternative way to process avocado. Unsaturated fatty acid content in avocados can also reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol and raise HDL (good) cholesterol in the blood.

4. Olive oil
Almost no one doubts the efficacy of olive oil. Rich in polyunsaturated fats, olive oil potent LDL lowering and reduce the risk of heart disease into the next stage. Find a type of virgin oil for at least through a chemical process and consumption properly.

5. Bean
Walnuts, Hazel Nuts, Macademia, and Mede premises are very rich in omega-3 and polyunsaturated fat-and single. Walnuts are rich in fiber is good even for such a diet and olive oil, a rich source of healthy fat. Just do not consume to excess because too risky to raise uric acid.

6. Berries
Blueberries raspberries, strawberries give you any kind of enjoy doing very wealthy anti-inflammatory substances that will reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. Give khususunya black and blue, is extraordinary, but all give very good for the health of the heart muscle. Blueberries is one of the top food exterminator disease. This, because blueberries contain anthocyanins, antioxidants derived from blueberries blue. These tasty foods rich in fiber, vitamin C. Consume will satisfy the tastes of the tongue at the same time you realize a healthier heart.

7. Cereals
Give the body's intake of fiber from grains, such as red beans, peas, green beans. They have omega-3, calcium and high water soluble fiber.

8. Spinach
Tirulah Popeye, spinach can you count on as well. Spinach helps your heart rate in the best condition, because the content of lutein, folate, potassium and high fiber. But by adding a portion of various vegetables, certainly encourage optimal working heart. Spinach is a major strength of the vegetable kingdom. Dark color comes from a variety of phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals (especially folate and iron) that acts against the disease, protect against heart disease, as well as sharpen the eye.

10. Soybean
Soy is not less potent suppress bad cholesterol, and because it contains less saturated fat, this is a source of protein rich foods for heart-healthy diet. Soybeans in tempeh, soy milk, tofu which is the food of the people, do not be absent from the table. Diets rich in soy protein can lower triglyceride levels, thus helping prevent cardiovascular disease and maintaining heart stay strong and healthy. Soy protein is also good for those who have high cholesterol because poliunsaturated fat-rich soy protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. But keep an eye on salt content in soybeans, some food processing to add the sodium that will raise your blood pressure. If you want more fresh how to eat edamame as a snack you?
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The problem with diabetes, eating is necessary to maintain optimal health.

The Problem with diabetes
It is recommended that people who follow the Diabetes Food Pyramid, to be used by the USDA Food Pyramid. Those who follow the Food Pyramid and then diabetes can take a lot of nutrients, protein, fiber, carbohydrates, lemak.tubuh in great need of optimal blood sugar levels and nutritious.

After forming the basic amount, it is possible to determine what is nutritious for diabetes. Generally 100-150 day to day is enough. Around 30 in the morning; 45 at lunch, and maybe 45 at dinner, everyone is different, so talk with your dietitian for more details .you also have to imagine what form of food to eat. Many people usually do not realize that the natural sugar also triggers the high sugar content?

A diet plan and a good diet is necessary for diabetes. People have to chalk out graphics eat and follow a religion. Increase consumption of vegetable flour, cereals such as garbanzo beans and bread are recommended.

The best way to keep your diabetes under control is by eating small amounts of sugar. also a good idea to have a mix of carbohydrates, fats and proteins at each meal.

Most of the sugar the body uses to convert into energy will come from carbohydrates consumed food group so this should be monitored. The plan will determine the portions of the carbs and the number of servings that can be consumed in one sitting.

Much further from diabetes is to eat food normally. This means that the analysis will always be stable blood sugar. Diabetes diet is not so much by limiting the amount of sugar that the body would get but by what means and types of food can offer a sugar that our bodies really need to produce energy.

In particular, remember to always come to your GP. Your health practitioner is the best source of advice and information relating to your situation and your dietitian is the ideal source of information relating to food should be eaten.
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How to overcome the body's health after work

Tips to make the body stay healthy for office workers
Tired and not feeling well after work, not only because of work that a lot. This can also occur because of less healthy office environment.

Office was not the place as clean and as healthy as we think. Office is home to a nest of various diseases. For example, when one person has the flu, in a week's illness were immediately overwrite the other.

AC which is the source of coolness makes wrinkles. Computers that are a source of information is a thing that makes your eyes tortured and tense. Carpet and furniture is a den of dust. Even the steam coming out of paint
of paintings on the wall is a poison that is slowly can make you feel sick and without reducing your performance at work.

To address these threats, try practicing a few tips that health dikutipdari 24 following to avoid sick office syndrome disease syndrome or office:

1. Let your desk illuminated by bright lights
Keep your desk near the window, because the bright light from the sun is very good for health and comfort of work. If not, try your desk close to the incandescent lamp so that everything can be seen by the reach of the eye.

2. Open the window of your room
Good ventilation will affect the health office as well as yourself. If your room has a window, you should leave it open to air the room is not humid and stuffy.

3. Turn off all kinds of office equipment when not in use
Laptops, PCs, copiers and fax machines are electronic devices that emit electromagnetic waves that can adversely affect some diseases such as hypertension, anxiety and malaise. So, turn off these items when you do not need.

4. Minimize use of air conditioning
Try AC room is not too big so you do not cold. The air is too cold can make skin dry and chapped. Better to wear thick clothes or use fans to reduce wrinkles on your face.

Working does make the body and the mind becomes tired and depleted. But do not let the environment in which you work also add to fatigue and even cause your health at risk.
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Brain Cancer

Brain Cancer
The biggest problem with brain cancer and brain tumors is that they are often non-specific symptoms making it very difficult to know whether you have it or not, unless you are seriously looking for it.

Although many tumors that produce symptoms in individuals who suffer from them, there are many tumors that did not cause symptoms apapun.kenapa it?

In young children, brain tumors can cause the skull to grow in diameter, and create a bulge fontanelles. Increased pressure intercrainal is the biggest thing that must be considered because it can cause the displacement of certain parts of the brain, brain stem compression that is very deadly.

There are two main types of Brain cancer.yang first primary brain cancer starts from the second Brain.yang Metastatic brain cancer starts somewhere else in the body and moves to the brain. Brain tumors can be benign, with no cancer cells, or malignant, with cancer cells that grow rapidly.

Brain cancer affects the organs of the body that controls all other bodily functions. As a result, because this cancer progresses, symptoms of newer and newer will continue to occur in patients who would limit its function if corrective action is not taken to control growth.

There are two types of brain cancer. Primary brain cancer is derived from the brain itself and generally limit themselves to the brain only. The second type is the Secondary Brain Cancer is an extension of the cancer in some other parts of the body gradually spread to the brain.

It appears, in part, because various parts of the brain that may be cancerous and thus affect different parts of the body associated with the affected part of the brain.

Another sign of a problem is if someone has suddenly become very clumsy or has difficulty walking without any apparent reason. This is something to watch as people tend to laugh it off as a symptom of momentary lapse of balance, but it certainly raises concerns if it happens regularly.

Despite frequent headache symptoms, it is important to remember that most headaches are less serious conditions such as migraine or tension, not cancer.

So, assessment and confirmation of a particular disease is usually done based on assessment of symptoms and clinical and laboratory test confirmation. It is very important especially for patients who have medical conditions that showed symptoms similar to other diseases.

It is almost impossible to distinguish the two conditions by observation of clinical symptoms only. That is why there is a need for you to undergo differential diagnosis for proper treatment of your medical condition. further evaluation and tests necessary to accurately determine the cause of clinical symptoms you are experiencing.
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Information about the calorie content of alcohol

Not Alcohol
Many people are very health conscious today. you like to track things like what you eat, what andapakai, how you work and try to drink soft drinks and cola. God forbid if one day a glass of cola, which can contain up to 200 calories per cup and what this means about 20 minutes on the treadmill. Instead of drinking cola, many who choose to drink alcohol at all not realize that it is too laden with calories, as most fatty foods.

There is no nutritional value associated with alcohol and you probably know empty calories. When you choose alcohol, you endanger your physical, and also happens to health in various ways.

A bottle of beer can contain up to 153 calories is not enough?, Which only carbohydrates and sugars and can cause people to gain weight. Many people have heard about how you should stay away from carbs and sugar. Beer is also triggered by the carbonate cola, and it adds to the problem, because what it does is make you feel that no matter what you're drunk, you do not have enough, you can always want more. If you're one of them is an avid beer drinkers who consumed at least a pitcher or 5 liters a week, you will consume over 40,000 calories a year, and it is the same as eating a donut every day.

Drinking wine is not good for you, even though some wine with antioxidant properties. A small glass can contain up to 200 calories, and we know that in most cases, you end up drinking more than a small glass, because it never seems enough. The number of calories in a cup similar to that found on a bag of chips. Two large glasses of wine contain about one-fifth of the recommended daily calories for most women.

other mixed drinks that are not beneficial for you. Whether it's rum and cola, vodka and lime juice or gin and orange juice. The problem is that alcohol itself contains about 60 calories per stick, but when mixed, are introduced extra calories. Once again, you never feel full when you drink these beverages and may also contain up to 200 calories per cup depending on what they're mixed with.

There are also other risks associated with alcohol as the cause of hunger and reduce the number of calories you burn fat. When you drink alcohol, it is not stored as fat and turn it into a substance called acetate. This transparency makes it difficult to burn fat and this is what you get energy.

This is not a good idea to drink before meals as this can help add to the books because it makes you feel hungry and eat more than you normally eat.

If you choose to drink a few glasses from time to time, may slow weight loss plan, but will not stop you. Drinking alcohol can reduce testosterone in the body for men and difficult for them to gain muscle, so the next time you plan to take a drink, you can, "Think before you drink."

Hopefully this info is useful to you, avoid drinking too many alcoholic drinks if you want to be healthy
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Asbestos Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer
People with a history of asbestos exposure is about seven times more likely to die from lung cancer than those exposed to asbestos. asbestos exposure associated with all types of lung cancer, a rare cancer called mesothelioma, which affects the tissue lining the lungs called the pleura. The interval between exposure and the development of cancer ranged from 15-30 years. Differences in exposure and disease may delay diagnosis until the lung has evolved and less attention. If anyone associated with asbestos exposure also smokes, the risk of lung cancer significantly.

Up to half of the 20th century, asbestos which is used widely in construction and manufacturing retardan insulation and fire. Because information about the health risks of asbestos fibers inhaled or ingested increased concentration of asbestos has been used rarely. Although asbestos is still there in public buildings and old houses, are generally believed to be less dangerous to leave it to remove it, because it can release asbestos fibers into the air. Some activity continued after the asbestos risk is known, and will have the right stuff for a former employee.

Symptoms of lung cancer associated with asbestos are similar to lung cancer in general. These include shortness of breath, wheezing, chest pain, coughing up blood, a new cough or persistent cough or hoarseness. The diagnosis is usually made from a combination of physical examination, radiographs, CT scan function tests, lung and lung kudoskoepaloihin. Recent studies have shown that the concentration of blood protein, osteopontin, an increase of those malignant mesothelioma. Treatment depends on lung cancer and stage or wide spread, the time of diagnosis, five-year survival rate of less than 20 percent.
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Nutrition and Diet Health

Health and Fitness has now become one of our main concerns, because our healthy body and spirit can work more optimally. Earlier humans used to hunt for their lives, because the body they have to undergo lot of physical exercise. This makes life active and alert. Now, life has become much simpler and easier. Everything that you need only a phone call away young right?. easy life now has restricted humans to do it a little physical exercise needed to keep the body fit and healthy. We get instant, spicy and variety of food which lose their nutrition during the process.

How do you ensure that you all need to have a healthy life? This is a big question among all orang.anda need proper nutrition and fit and healthy body. Good Health is all that one really needs to be healthy and fit, although not too difficult to require special efforts.

Basic foundation for healthy individuals ranging from fetal stage with proper nutrition and healthy comes from his mother. Therefore, the diet of pregnant women standing on all diets.

Your meals will be medications you .Nutrisi necessary for the functioning of mental activity, physical, metabolic, chemical and hormones. The body is like a machine that will repair and rebuild itself if proper nutrition is provided by way of food.
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Smoking is the most common cause of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease this

Smoking is the most common cause of COPD this
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a slowly progressive destruction of breath caused by progressive loss of lung function. ITI-half combination of lung diseases are different. COPD, two lung diseases like chronic bronchitis and emphysema are the most important diseases. Other diseases such as asthma, bronchitis and bullous disease are also present. This disease often occurs in older women in America. Overall, approximately 11% of the population of the United States suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Research has shown that killed 85 000 people in the U.S. every year, and is the fourth most common cause of death.
Smoking is the most common cause of COPD this. passive smoking can also cause COPD. Effect of tobacco on the lungs can be severe and permanent. Smoking causes permanent damage to lung tissue and cause pneumonia. inflammation was only stopped when you stop smoking. Manufacturers of cigarettes adding chemicals to cigarettes for various reasons which inhibit the production of alpha-antitrypsin 1 - (AAT), which contains elastic fibers within alveoli. This in turn destroy the lining of the lungs which makes breathing very difficult process.
Other major causes of COPD include industrial pollution, dust the work in contact with hazardous chemicals, outdoor air pollution, etc. In some cases, parents pass on genes to their children. In the case that little happens, COPD was found in people who suffer from disorders related to the gene for alpha-1 antitrypsin. Alpha 1-antitrypsin is a protein that inactivates destructive proteins in the blood. Absence or low level of alpha 1-antitrypsin in individuals leads to destruction of lung and ultimately to COPD.
As the disease intensifies, patients with COPD have difficulty breathing. difficulties they may vary depending on changing weather conditions. Sometimes they require hospitalization.
Prevention is the best medicine for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. There is a cure. All COPD medication is to reduce the intensity of the disease. Therefore, be prudent for us all to take steps to prevent this disease.
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